1917 Nickel Value - US Nickel 1917

What is a 1917 Nickel worth? Values and specifications for the 1917 Nickel from the United States. US Coins 1917 Nickel: Designer/Engraver: James Earle Fraser, Metal Composition: 75% Copper/25% Nickel, Diameter: 21.2 mm, Weight: 5 grams
1917 Nickel

1917 Nickel coin value in USD based on Grade/Condition

The value of 1917 Nickel in Good Condition is $20.00.

1917 Nickel value in Very Good condition is $34.00.

The value of 1917 Nickel in Fine Condition is $34.00.

1917 Nickel is worth about $34.00 in Very Fine Condition.

Coin value of 1917 Nickel in Extremely Fine Condition is $169.00.

1917 Nickel value in About Uncirculated is $314.00.

1917 Nickel value in MS60 condition is about $399.00.

1917 Nickel value in MS65 condition is about $847.00.

The value of a 1917 Nickel in Proof Condition is unobtainable.

The value of a 1917 Nickel US coin is sourced from various locations, including coin literature, coin dealers, resource websites, and auction asking prices. Coin values are based on what you might expect to pay to buy a coin from a reputable dealer. Many factors affect coin values. For the purposes of our estimated values, we assume that the coin has no other detractors. All values are estimates only, based on third-party information. We do not guarantee 1917 Nickel prices to be accurate. We do not take any responsibility for how you use the information provided.
US 1917 Buffalo Nickel

1917 Nickel is minted in the Denver US Coin Mint

There were about about 9,910,800.00 1917 Nickel's minted

There are several factors that influence the value of a 1917 Nickel, these are rarity, demand and condition or grade. If a coin is too damaged to have value as a collectible, its metal content (the amount of gold or silver in the coin) may have a basal value.