DNS Spoofing | DNS Spoofing Prevention

With Domain Name System (DNS) spoofing, a hacker alters DNS records to send traffic to a fake or 'spoofed' website. Once on the fraudulent site, the victim may enter sensitive information that can be used or sold by the hacker.

The hacker may also construct a poor-quality site with derogatory or inflammatory content to make a competitor company look bad.

DNS Spoofing | DNS Spoofing Prevention  

In a DNS spoofing attack, the attacker takes advantage of the fact that the user thinks the site they are visiting is legitimate. This gives the attacker the ability to commit crimes in the name of an innocent company, at least from the perspective of the visitor.

To prevent DNS spoofing, make sure your DNS servers are kept up-to-date. Attackers aim to exploit vulnerabilities in DNS servers, and the most recent software versions often contain fixes that close known vulnerabilities. So keep DNS servers up to date.