Bitcoin Earnings Review - Earn Crypto Review

Mine Bitcoin with a computer

Try CryptoTab—the world's first browser with mining features. Earn BTC without looking up from watching videos, chatting, or gaming online. Join the community of more than 25 million users all over the world already enjoying CryptoTab Browser.

CryptoTap Mining

Try CryptoTab—the world's first browser with mining features. Earn BTC by just opening your web browser.

Start Mining Bitcoin Today

CryptoTab is a flexible solution providing you with all the tools to explore and navigate the web. It also has a whole pack of unique features, making it truly stand out among competitors.
The fastest built-in mining algorithm

Earn Free Bitcoin

Blazing fast and lightweight browser

Built-in mining features

User-friendly customizable interface

Sync everything across multiple devices

Same as Chrome Browser

Start Mining Bitcoin Today

Earn while surfing the web

Activate mining, then just lean back, scrolling newsfeed, chatting on social media, or watching Netflix—CryptoTab's mining algorithm takes care of the rest. Multiply income and get your first Bitcoin, inviting new users to the mining network via private link.

Start Mining Bitcoin Today
CryptoTab Browser includes a built-in mining algorithm that allows more efficient use of your computer's resources.

Bitcoin Mining - Lightweight, fast, and ready to mine!

Switch to the new browser

Doubting whether CryptoTab can fully replace your current Chrome? Don't. Import bookmarks, history, passwords, and settings in a couple of clicks. Improve your browsing experience without losing a byte of personal data in transit.

And best of all, you get free Bitcoins, as your new Chrom browser earns you free Bitcoin.

Get started Now

Bitcoin Mining Option

The core of the Bitcoin Maining Browser is the built-in mining algorithm, but they didn't stop there. Link multiple devices to mine faster, withdraw bitcoins with no limits, get support any time you need. Join our Affiliate program to take your Bitcoin income to a whole new level.
Start Earning your Bitcoin Today
Try Bitcoin Mining Browser, enjoy fast and comfortable web surfing experience combined with a powerful mining algorithm.

What exactly is a crypto tab?

The Crypto Tab Browser is a Chrome-like browser that allows you to surf the web, install extensions, sync accounts, and manage your history. The browser may mine bitcoins as you use it, and you will be rewarded with the bitcoins you mine.

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Crypto Tab does not charge a fee to signup, There are no upgrades and it is completely free.