
Roles and Responsibility Matrix

Example of a Roles and Responsibility Matrix for a Management Body

A roles and responsibility matrix, often referred to as a RACI Matrix, is a tool used to define the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders within an organisation or project. It clarifies the management body's responsibilities and ensures that each task or decision is appropriately assigned. The matrix helps to improve communication, reduce ambiguity, and ensure accountability across different roles in the organisation.

In a RACI Matrix, each task or responsibility is assigned one or more of the following categories: Responsible (R), Accountable (A), Consulted (C), and Informed (I). Responsible refers to the person or group who performs the task to achieve the goal. Accountable is the person ultimately accountable for the task's completion and decision-making. Consulted refers to those whose input or expertise is sought during the process, and Informed are those who need to be kept updated on progress or decisions.

For example, in a management body, the CEO is typically Accountable for high-level tasks such as strategic planning and decision-making, while they may also be Responsible for overseeing tasks like product development and operations. The CFO, on the other hand, is Accountable for financial aspects like budgeting and planning and is often consulted for operational decisions due to their expertise in financial matters. The COO is generally Responsible for operational execution and might be Accountable for overseeing product development or managing operational tasks.

RACI Example

HR (Human Resources) is Accountable for HR management and recruitment and is often Consulted for organisational changes or staffing decisions. The Legal team is Accountable for compliance and legal matters and is frequently Consulted on high-level decisions with legal implications, such as contracts or company policies. The IT team is Responsible for infrastructure, security, and support, while also being Consulted for decisions that involve technology.

Marketing is typically Accountable for the marketing strategy and campaigns and Consulted on product-related decisions or operations. The Sales department is Accountable for executing sales strategies and often Consulted in areas such as strategic planning or marketing efforts. Finally, Operations is Responsible for day-to-day tasks, ensuring the smooth execution of strategies at the operational level, and is Accountable for customer relations and operational efficiency.

By using this matrix, organisations can ensure that each task is aligned with the right person or group. This helps prevent confusion, enhances decision-making, and ensures that all stakeholders know who is making the decisions and who needs to be consulted or kept informed.